
2020-09-21 00:00:00


Jins is a major eyewear chain with more than 500 stores around the world. Their regular storefronts often use wooden counters and booths. The challenge of the project was that the designer needed to use existing furniture and wood to create a unique spatial experience, while maintaining a connection with the formal store.


The designer regarded the wooden pallet, which is often used in logistics, as an important element of the space, and made use of it to form various types and different shapes of booths. Serving glass, an orderly, mass-produced industrial product, the designer added order to the space with a wooden logistics tray that also symbolizes industry and has a regular shape. The industrial atmosphere gives customers of different ages a long-lost sense of familiarity; The creation of a sense of story is another kind of beauty of logistics tray. It's so unfinished that for a moment you feel like you're in a glasses-making factory trying to choose a "freshly baked" pair of glasses.


According to the actual factory's pallet configuration principle, when the wooden pallets are stacked alternately, the surface of the pallets is also coated with polyurethane coating with high gloss. The designer also removed the bottom plate. In addition to looking like cabinets, this large tree structure reduces weight and friction on the floor, making it easy to move.


The designers believe that the logistics pallet, a standard product that can be mass-produced, is already widely used in a wide variety of environments, not only in the factory, but also in the retail of eyewear products. Not only that, but also can explain the story to the product, emotionally attract customers, and the guests have interesting feelings.


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